Osteitis Pubis

ReSync Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic - Dublin


OP is the inflammation of the pubic symphysis bone, which is located in the front of the pelvis. Pain is located in this area or can refer into the inguinal area and/or groin. People suffering from OP experience pain coughing, sneezing and when stretching the adductors and hip flexors. They also experience pain running and when changing direction while running at speed. it is more prevalent in men and can take 4-6 months to return to sport, depending on initial severity


Check out this short video on Osteitis Pubis Symptoms




OP is caused by poor stability at the pubic symphysis. Poor control at the pelvis causes a torsion strain on the joint resulting in inflammation. Latest evidence has shown the poor running mechanics and cutting techniques (Changing direction) contribute to excessive load on the joint. Increases in training intensity and duration (more than 10% per week) are common causes of OP, which will build up over time as load is increased in the joint and not enough time to recover between sessions.

Stepaside Physio

Stepaside Physio


Unfortunately treatment of OP is long and complex. Firstly the aggravating factors such as running and/or sport should be avoided. This will allow the inflammation to reduced thus reducing pain. Ice baths and anti-inflammatories are used at this stage to help reduce inflammation in the joint.

Even though pain will be less, OP does not resolve fully until issues around running and cutting techniques are addressed. You may feel able to return to sport as pain has settled day to day but pain will return upon resumption of activities.


Experienced sports physiotherapists will conduct a thorough assessment of pain symptoms, training plans and recovery plans.
Specific tests can be conducted to torsion the joint and reproduce your pain. This must be done in order to gain a correct diagnosis. Release of musculature around the pelvis will help relieve pain but this condition must be managed over the coming weeks in order to achieve a positive rehab outcome.

Stages of rehab are as follows:

Stage 1 reduced inflammation 4 week
Stage 2- Strengthen surrounding musculature
Stage 3 Dynamic lumbopelvic control and single leg hip control
Stage 4- Increase load (Running Cutting Techniques)
Stage 5- Prep for return to sport

Return to sport 4-6 month post diagnosis

If you have had repetitive groin strains in the past and are developing groin pain you may be at risk of OP and should consult your physiotherapist.

Please contact us if you have any queries regarding this type of injury


Call us on +353872740700 or email usheretohelp@resyncphysiotherapy.ie

You can book online here.

Kula Health