Here at Resync we see a huge variety of different ages coming into our physio in Stepaside – kids, teenagers, mums, dads, men and women from age 5 to 85…we don’t discriminate, we just treat!
What Is Kids Physio?
Kids physio is basically physiotherapy aimed directly at children under the age of 18. Our physiotherapists treat a wide range of conditions and have experience working with both young children and adolescents. Children are not small adults, therefore the assessment and rehabilitation for kids is specifically geared toward kids. We are down to earth, fun and engaging and like to work with children with enthusiasm through mediums such as play and games.
Physio Treatments for Kids
Physio treatment’s for kids that we provide include massage, mobilisations, stretches, exercise, posture education and training and load management strategies and information.
Understanding Biomechanics for Better Outcomes
What we do differently at Resync is look at the body as a whole. Our body is made up of a series of interlinked muscles and joints which need to work well together in order to prevent pain and injury. We like to look at biomechanics in order to guide our treatment. This may involve assessing how your child walks / runs / jumps and moves, which makes treatment specific to each child that walks through the door.

Causes of Injury for Kids
Generally children can get sore or injured if they are:
- Growing very quickly
- Over training and participating in a lot of sport
- Under training and not getting enough exercise
1. Growing Quickly:
When children are growing bones can grow quicker than muscles and it takes time for the rest of the body to catch up after a growth spurt. This can lead to musculoskeletal pain and an unwillingness to participate in sport.
2. Over Training:
These days kids tend to do a lot of different sports and we would have children coming in that do, for example GAA and rugby so would end up having more training and matches than there are days in the week! These teams don’t expect the child to have another sport so their training is focused on one sport only, which means by participating in many different sports the growing body can get overloaded. What happens when we play sport the muscles are working hard, these muscles are attached to bones via tendons. When we exercise this pull of the muscles and tendons stimulates the bone and makes it reorganise to get stronger. When we don’t get enough recovery time between sessions and this area doesn’t have the time to heal and regenerate, we can end up with common musculoskeletal problems in children such as OsGood-Schlatter Disease (OSD) for example. This is when a small bony growth may appear at the base of the knee which can be painful when loading the legs such as when running or jumping. Our physios are specially trained to treat this and advise on the best plan of care.
3. Under Training:
The opposite of no.2 above, under traning or a lack of exercise can be detrimental to kids. It is important that growing kids get regular exercise to facilitate proper bone and muscle growth and development.
Youth Strength and Conditioning Programmes
We can assess the painful area and give recommendations on loading and training in order to reduce these symptoms asap, putting both parents and children’s mind at ease! We understand the worry of having a child with an injury and our physios ensure to explain everything to both the children and the parents. We have specific training in Youth Strength and Conditioning so also offer a youth development programme for improving performance and preventing injuries.
Is Your Child Getting Enough Exercise?
Fun fact – Did you know that few children actually reach the recommended government guidelines of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day? We like to encourage kids to be active as it can have so many benefits. What we do is facilitate fun and pain free activity to ensure that your child is getting the many benefits of sport and fitness such as enhanced mood and physical health. Other positive effects of being active as a child is reduced cardiovascular issues and enhanced bone density. Being able to participate in sport is obviously vital for social interaction and wellbeing. This is why we feel so strongly about providing a successful kids physio service to get your child back to doing what they want to do, as quickly as possible!

Kids Physio Treatments
To summarise, the kids physio that we can offer for your little one in our clinic in Stepaside:
- Strength and conditioning
- Injury prevention
- Performance enhancement
- Pain relief from common injuries
- Education regarding training
- Reassurance and peace of mind
- Hands on techniques such as massage and mobilisations
- Exercises for recovery
- Biomechanical assessments and treatment
- Fun while we are working!

Kids Phyios Treatments – Schedule Yours Now
If your child is struggling with a recurring pain or injury then get in touch with us today by calling us on +353872740700 or contact us online to schedule your appointment and we’ll take it from there.