5 Ankle Injury Tips At some point in life, everyone will experience an ankle injury, or “roll” their ankle. It is the most commonly injured […]
Groin pain or more specifically, athletic groin pain, is a troublesome and nagging injury to any player. Many players try to work through the pain, […]
Ligament Sprains Ligaments are tightly packed bands of collagen that attached from one bone to another. The most common ligaments that are injured are in […]
An ankle injury is the most common form of sporting injury seen in the world today and is also the most commonly re-injured joint of […]
5 Recovery Tips when Exercising in Hot Weather Recovery Tip 1. Keep core body temp low. This means, do not have hot food before training. […]
Groin Pain Screening Groin pain is one of the most stubborn injuries that we see as physiotherapists. For years, scientific evidence and functional movement trainers […]
WHAT IS OSTEITIS PUBIS? OP is the inflammation of the pubic symphysis bone, which is located in the front of the pelvis. Pain is located […]
Hey folks I’ve decided to write a short blog on children injuries from ages 8-17. I’m seeing a lot of children of these ages coming […]
Shoulder Pain??….. Read this for insights if you have shoulder pain and your MRI results are confusing. A Study from 2011, conducted an ultrasound scan […]
1.) Give it a Chance to Rest First of all with our busy lives in the modern world it’s hard to get some down time. Everyday […]
Children suffering from low back pain or knee pain?? This will explain why…… I’ve had a lot of children in with me over the last […]
Have you had or have should pain? Read this for insights if you have had a scan such as an MRI completed on your shoulder. […]
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