For many of us back pain can affect the things we love to do on a daily basis. Looking after the kids , going for […]
Women & Activity – Part 2 Many women are unsure if exercise during pregnancy is safe or what type of exercise they should be doing […]
Geek Alert Want to know what happens went we complete functional movements and have to concentrate on the movement of one part of the body […]
We discuss what the achilles tendon does, how to overcome achilles tendon pain, and exercises you can utilise to help prevent injury in the future. […]
Pain in the calf following an injury like a muscle tear can be expected but most of the time runners will complain of calf soreness […]
5 Common Running Injuries Athletes get weeks out from a Marathon Achilles Tendon Pain Plantar Heel Pain Hamstring Strain Runner’s Knee Iliotibial Band Syndrome Running […]
What is this Pain on the Outside of my Hip? There may be a few causes for the pain you are experiencing on the outside […]
Here at the clinic we often get people contacting us asking when should I start physio after injury or when in pain. They often say: […]
5 Tips for Concussion Recovery. Concussion is hot topic in sport at the moment so this week we are going to share with your our […]
Looking for the 5 exercises to help with anterior knee pain? Over the last few weeks its been getting worse and you have no idea […]
Patellar Tendonitis – What is it? Ok so you think you have Patellar Tendonitis? You have tried to get back into playing sport or going […]
A guide for returning to Exercise after Pregnancy Returning to exercise after pregnancy can feel like torture at the very beginning! You may think; am […]
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