Shockwave Therapy Dublin

Dublin Shockwave Therapy

Non- Invasive treatment option to resolve long term tendon pain

No matter the injury, you want to be back on track as quickly as possible, and that is one of the reasons musculoskeletal injuries such as tendon or muscle problems can be so frustrating. They can take the longest time to heal, leaving you unable to train, or with constant pain in daily life. But now there is a non-invasive solution that can deliver exceptional results in a much faster timescale.

Dublin Shockwave Therapy offers immediate pain relief and a faster route to positive clinical outcomes. By reducing recovery time, it gets you back to activity quicker than ever before.

Shockwave Machine

Shockwave Therapy is:

A non-invasive treatment, shockwave therapy uses soundwave impulses that are directed into the damaged tissue using a compressor.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, or ESWT, offers exceptional treatment for musculoskeletal injuries, such as those in tendons and muscles. These injuries often cause ongoing pain in daily life, and ESWT offers a non-invasive alternative to the use of anti-inflammatory medicines traditionally used as pain relief in these situations.

Shockwave Treatments

Helps the Body Heal Itself

Shock Wave Therapy seeks to make use of the body’s own healing processes to deliver fast pain relief and quick recovery, and it does this in a number of ways.

The sound waves used during the treatment increase the permeability of cell walls, stimulate the microcirculation of blood and lymph cells and releases Substance P Neurotransmitter, which is responsible for pain mitigation.

How does it Heal injured tissues

Healing of the damaged tissue is achieved by:

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What can shock wave therapy help with?

The treatment can be used to ease a broad range of musculoskeletal injuries, including:
It is particularly useful in chronic conditions where traditional treatments have failed to deliver results. It is important to note that show wave therapy should always be used in combination with a progressive strengthening program to ensure effective healing of the injury. The combination increases success rates and helps patients return to normal activities more effectively.

Frequently asked questions

What is the cost of Shockwave Therapy
Dublin Shockwave Therapy is included in the cost of Physiotherapy Treatment at our clinic. There is no extra cost for this specialised service.
Shockwave therapy helps resolve the most stubborn pain over 4-6 sessions. The first 3 sessions are done within 10 days and then the final 3 sessions are spread out over 2-4 weeks
No there are no risks involved with this non invasive treatment option.
  • Too much load, walking or running to far.
  • Not enough rest – walking or running very frequently.
  • Too much too soon – increased running or walking distance too quickly.
  • Over time our natural tendon elastic recoil (Spring) reduces leaving it suceptible to injury.
  • Painful and stiff in the morning.
  • Loosens up at the beginning of exercises.
  • Painful in the hours after exercises or the next day.
  • Pain getting progressively worse.
  • Has not healed correctly, or settled down enough to start to heal
  • Is not strong enough
  • Wrong exercises
  • Not enough time doing exercises or doing exercise wrong
  • Exercises not heavy enough – tendon like to be strengthened with heavy weights.
  • Not address other compensatory issues away from area of pain.
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