Alix Kavanagh

Alix Kavanagh

Chartered Physiotherapist

Alix has just recently joined our team as a Physiotherapist. Alix received a First-Class Honours BSc degree in Applied Strength and Conditioning and then went on to get her MSc in Physiotherapy in Robert Gordon University. Alix comes from a sporting background of hockey and rock climbing. She is passionate about reducing people’s pain and getting them back to what they were doing before. She has a keen interest in treating sports injuries and rehabilitation, especially gymnastics and rock climbing. Alongside her clinical role here, she is the head strength and conditioning coach for a gymnastics club where she does prehab and rehab work, so she understands the importance of injury prevention and management.

Alix also runs our better bones classes encouraging strength training in older adults to help maintain independence as they age

Areas of interest:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Upper Limb Injuries
  • Strength and Sonditioning
  • Exercise Rehabilitation
  • Management of Osteoarthritis
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